Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Belle!

My baby girl turned 2 last week.  2!

I've done the math several times to make sure it really has been that long since she was born. 

So here's a list of just a few of the things I love about her:

1. She's hilariously funny.  I know I'm her mom and supposed to say that, but she is really funny.  Granted she's funny in an odd sort of way (like doing spaced out arm-waving, nonsense singing episodes where she closely resembles Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean), but she often has us in tears of laughter at the dinner table.  In honor of her funniness, here is D's all time favorite picture of her. 

2. She's the most beautiful two year old in the history of the world.  A fact I had suspected for some time, but I did some extensive research (3 minutes Googling 'most beautiful toddler') and it is a fact.  She is more beautiful than any of them.  And has been for most of her life.  Here she is at 5 months old. 

3. She has an infectious laugh.

4. She sweetly says 'Thank you' anytime anyone gives her anything.

5. She says 'I sorry' easily.  Even when the other person is the one who's supposed to be apologizing.

6.  I love how (even though I mocked her 6 months ago for not being able to speak) she has an enormous vocabulary which she uses non-stop.  She just this moment traipsed into the kitchen and said, "Mommy, you done yet? I have my boots on.  I want to go outside." 

7  She loves her big brother.  Whether they are dressed up fancy....

 ...or hanging out in pj's on Saturday morning in her crib.   (Yup, hers are on backwards.)

8.  She's snuggly with her mommy. 

9.  She sings Be Thou My Vision with me every night at bed time. 

10.  She has impeccable fashion sense.  Here she is on a nice spring day decked out like a garden gnome with her winter hat and her brother's over-sized Thomas shoes. 

11.  She is very affirming.  The other morning I woke her up and she was examining her backwards pajamas, clearing looking for a way to get them off.  She tugged slightly on the cut I had put in the back of the neckband so she could breath while the pj's were on backwards.  Then she smiled at me and said kindly, "You did a great job cuttin' my jammies, Mommy!" 

Happy Birthday, Belle.  I love you!


  1. Happy birthday, sweet girl! You've got an awesome momma!

  2. What a stinking doll. I think we might possibly have the only toddlers in the world who know all the verses to Be Thou My Vision. Um, why are the pajamas backward?


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